Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Reach Out and Reach Up!

34 When they had crossed over, they landed at Gennesaret.
35 And when the men of that place recognized Jesus, they sent word to all the surrounding country. People brought all their sick to him 36 and begged him to let the sick just touch the edge of his cloak, and all who touched it were healed. Matthew 14:34-36 NKJV
These two verses of Matthew speak volumes! Jesus had landed at Gennesaret. And as soon as people started recognizing it was Jesus they spread the word. They didn’t have the internet but still the word spread! They sent the word out to everyone to bring all of the sick to Jesus.
We live in a small town of approximately 10,000 people. We have the luxury of internet or cell phones and if someone famous is in town the word gets around fast! You will see it on Facebook or it will be texted to you. Chances are if you live in a small community and something happens big you will find out about it before it has time to hit the 6:00 news. If we get so excited about some famous singer or actor (who doesn’t even know your name) and eagerly spread that news about, how come we don’t spread the news about Jesus around with such determination of getting “the good news” out to everyone? This is just something to think about.
Okay back to the story. People started showing up by the groves bringing the sick to Jesus. They were desperate! How do I know this? Because the scripture says that they begged him to let the sick just touch the edge of his cloak. Can you imagine being so desperate that you would beg to touch someone’s coat or blazer? Americans are so blessed that there are very few that are desperate, much less find a need for a Savior in their lives. Yet there are many who have a gaping, God shaped hole in their lives and they try to fill that emptiness with everything from material goods, work, busy schedules, food, sex, drugs or alcohol out of desperation. They need Jesus…correction, we need Jesus.
Here is the good part…and all who touched it were healed. Out of their need or desperation or sickness, they reached out to grab at his clothing and they were healed! We need to grab at Jesus instead of clinging to what doesn’t fill that God shaped hole in our lives. Whenever I start to feel needy or scared or unsure instead of reaching for that bowl of ice cream or doing some “shopping therapy”, I need to reach out to Jesus to fill those needsJ. He will meet those needs or those hurts right where I need them met.
So let’s recap. First of all reach out! Be eager to spread the word about Jesus. There are so many people who don’t know Him. If you know of someone in need invite them to church or to just hang out with you! The worse thing that can happen is that they might say no. (I invite people every opportunity I get!) Second point, reach up! Reach up to touch Jesus; even if all you can do is grab at the hem of His garment He will reach back to catch your hand. He loves you so very much that when you reach out to Him, cry out to Him or even just beg to touch His garment, He will touch you. He is faithful. He reaches out to everybody, the rich and poor, the healthy, needy or the desperate. He came for everyone. I am very thankful that He is there all of the time for me.
Reaching for Him,

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