Friday, August 6, 2010

I Am Blessed!

I was reading a blog from another friend and she said something that really spoke to me. Today I am going to share that with you:
"You want to know the title that I yearn for the most? The title that drives my parenting? The title I want more than any other is "The Mom Whose Kids Love and Serve God"

I love this because it was my goal in life too. God gave me this great priviledge of raising three of the greatest kids in the world. There were some days that it took everything that I had to succeed but I wouldn't trade even one of those days for anything. You see I might not have always been the best mom but I loved/love my kids so very much and I so desired for them to have their own relationship with Jesus.

There is a scripture in Proverbs 31 that says, "Her children rise up and call her blessed; Her husband also and he praises her." Let me tell you...the word of God is true! Do your best, ask God for help! Be faithful in raising your children to live godly lives it pays off in the biggest ways! Does this mean you will never have bad days? Nope. There were days that I felt like a failure but I serve a God that buys back our mistakes! He is the greatest parent and He will direct you!

Today all of my kids are grown and married. There is nothing that blesses my heart more than when I am leading worship and I look out and see my adult children worshiping God. They have truly risen up and blessed me many times! I have a wonderful husband that was right there with me raising the kids too. He taught my sons how to treat their mom and their future wives. He set the standard for my daughter in what a husband and father looks like. Again, I am truly blessed!

So today I wanted to take time and say thanks to Julie for reminding me of the gifts and successes that I have today. Hang in there, you will succeed in your goal! I want to thank Jesus for so blessing me with my husband and kids! Thank You Lord for giving me the opportunity and for helping me to succeed in raising Your servants.God is so good.

For Future Generations Serving Christ,


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