Friday, February 20, 2009

In the Dark and Scary Places He Goes With Me!

4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil;
For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. Psalm 23:24

When I was a little girl I didn't like this passage of scared me to think that I would have to walk through that deep dark valley with those huge ugly shadows of I love this passage of scripture! Not because I want to walk in those hard places but because now I realize that I have God to walk with me and to protect me. He has that big old rod and staff to protect me...not that He needs that, (it is the picture of the shepherd), to protect me because HE IS GOD! But it is comforting that He can whack any bad guys that might be waiting to get me with that big old staff...or club (that is the way I like to think of it )

It really does comfort me that God is with me wherever I go...I really don't have to be afraid because I am HIS girl! He protects me wherever I go...He is right there before me and behind me...not only is He there in the scary places but He goes everywhere else with me too. Sometimes I think that He just likes to skip with me in the fields because that is what I would like to do! He likes it when I spend time with Him....He likes it when you spend time with Him too!

Are there any places where you are scared to go? He will go with don't have to be afraid or scared of the evil that is lurking because the evil is very afraid of the Lord. His light will shine bright around you and chase away the trembles at His voice! So take Him with you wherever you will both love it!

Glad to be His Girl,


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